
Ffmpeg concat different frame rates
Ffmpeg concat different frame rates

ffmpeg concat different frame rates

slow input and fast output results in duplicate frames (I think)įfmpeg -r 30 -i frames/frame_%04d.png -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 23 -r 30 -y video-from-frames.mp4 Convert Image Sequence to Video + add audio track.fast input and slow output results in a slideshow or timelapse.output framerate sets how much time between frames in the output video.input framerate is how fast the images and the sequence are meant to be played back.-pix_fmt yuv420p sets the pixel format to something QuickTime can read.images will go into the frames directory with names like frame_0001.png, frame_0002.png etcįfmpeg -i test7.mp4 frames/frame_%04d.png Convert Image Sequence back to Video.I need images to work with, so make some! 2.100 Hyper fast Audio and Video encoder usage: ffmpeg -i infile]. AssumptionsĪll my images in image sequences are the same dimensions and format (I grabbed a sample video from )įfmpeg version info is: ffmpeg version N-82143-gbf14393-tessus Copyright (c) 2000-2016 the FFmpeg developers built with Apple LLVM version 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.38) configuration: -cc=/usr/bin/clang -prefix=/opt/ffmpeg -extra-version=tessus -enable-avisynth -enable-fontconfig -enable-gpl -enable-libass -enable-libbluray -enable-libfreetype -enable-libgsm -enable-libmodplug -enable-libmp3lame -enable-libopencore-amrnb -enable-libopencore-amrwb -enable-libopus -enable-libschroedinger -enable-libsnappy -enable-libsoxr -enable-libspeex -enable-libtheora -enable-libvidstab -enable-libvo-amrwbenc -enable-libvorbis -enable-libvpx -enable-libwavpack -enable-libx264 -enable-libx265 -enable-libxavs -enable-libxvid -enable-libzmq -enable-version3 -disable-ffplay -disable-indev=qtkit -disable-indev=x11grab_xcb libavutil 55. How to assemble multiple image sequences and audio files into 1 video file.

Ffmpeg concat different frame rates