
Is dropbox secure enogh to store financial files
Is dropbox secure enogh to store financial files

The users who say that SharePoint Online is not secure are the same users who already use Gmail, SalesForce, DropBox, QuickBooks – all the tools running in the cloud already, by the way. This is fake news as we like to call it these days.

is dropbox secure enogh to store financial files

Related to the above, quite often I hear SharePoint on-premises users telling me they will never go to SharePoint Online/Office 365 because it is not secure. With that being said, we do so freely with all of the other content, by providing 3rd parties like Google, Salesforce, Facebook, Quickbooks with other, very private information. One thing that is pretty important and hopefully clear here is that you have no control over any of these – essentially you put your trust into the hands of a 3rd party. I also recommend that you check out this excellent post and infographic by ShareGate as well. You can read about advanced measures Microsoft is taking to assure data safety here. Things like server backups, data encryption, protection against hackers and malware are what matters here. This step relies primarily on the owner of the Office 365 solution – Microsoft®.

is dropbox secure enogh to store financial files is dropbox secure enogh to store financial files

The first component of security lies in the safety and integrity of your data. Just like there are two sides to the coin, there are two components to this answer. Is my stuff secure in SharePoint and Office 365? It is a valid question as organizations offload gigabytes of content, which used to be behind the firewall, into the cloud.

Is dropbox secure enogh to store financial files